100+ Celestial And Astrology Baby Names With Meanings (2024)


By Barsha Bhattarai | 18 October 2023 06:33 AM

100+ Celestial And Astrology Baby Names With Meanings (4)

Baby names are the first and foremost thing that parents look into when a new member is arriving. You want a name that will fit your baby perfectly, and for that, there are numerous places where you can look for inspiration. Nothing can beat the glimmer of your baby's eyes. After all, your baby is your whole universe, and they deserve the best names.

Celestial names are in hype nowadays, so if you are looking for names inspired by the stars, moon, solar system, the universe, and astronomy, we have got you covered.

Best Celestial and Astrological Baby Names

100+ Celestial And Astrology Baby Names With Meanings (5)

Some of the best and most popular celestial and astrological baby names are listed below:

1. Luna

Luna is a feminine celestial name of Latin origin, meaning "Moon." Luna, in Roman mythology, was believed to be the epitome of the moon.

2. Celeste

Celeste is a female name, deriving from the Latin adjective Caelestis, meaning heavenly or celestial. The meaning of this name makes it perfect for a literal celestial name.

3. Orion

Orion is a masculine celestial name of Greek origin which translates as "Rising in the sky" and "Dawning." Orion is also the name of the most recognized Constellation.

4. Atlas

Originating from Greek mythology, Atlas means "To endure". Another meaning of this moniker is "To carry" or "Bearer of the heavens," both referring to the name of the mythical Titan.

5. Vega

Vega is a name that has various origins. In Latin, Vega refers to the "Brightest star in the constellation Lyra." This moniker also has Arabic and Spanish origins, where it means "Swooping eagle" and "Meadow dweller" respectively.

6. Nova

Nova is a name, procured from the Latin word "Novus," meaning "New." This name also refers to the "Bright stars that appear all of a sudden and release powerful energy."

7. Callisto

Callisto is a name derived from the Greek word Kallistos, which means "Beautiful." Callisto is Jupiter's second-largest moon, making it a perfect celestial name.

8. Phoebe

Phoebe means "Bright" or "Radiant" and is a feminine version of the masculine name "Phoebus Apollo" who is known as the Greek god of the sun.

9. Qamar

Qamar is an Arabic name that means "Moon," "Natural satellite" or "Moonlight."

10. Aurora

Latin origin name Aurora means "Dawn." This name also evokes the illustration of Aurora borealis, hence making it a popular celestial name.

11. Draco

Draco is a name derived from the ancient Greek word Drakon, which means "Dragon" or "Serpent." Draco also refers to the constellation of stars, hence making it both, a celestial and astrological name for babies.

12. Lyra

In Greek, Lyra refers to the musical instrument Harp. Lyra also alludes to the smallest constellation in the sky.

13. Apollo

Having its origins in Greek mythology, the name Apollo means "Manly beauty." Apollo was also the name of the Greek god of sun and light, making it an astonishing celestial and astrological name for babies.

14. Bellatrix

Bellatrix is known as the Amazon Star and, in Latin, translates to "Female warrior." Bellatrix is the third-brightest star in the constellation of Orion, making it a perfect name for babies whose eyes twinkle the brightest.

15. Phoebus

With Greek roots, the name Phoebus translates as "Bright one."

Celestial and Astrological Girl Name

100+ Celestial And Astrology Baby Names With Meanings (6)

Here we have collected a list of girly Celestial and Astrological names for your little female angel.

16. Juno

Juno is a name of Latin origin, meaning "Queen of Heaven." Juno was the Goddess of marriage and childbirth, and also the wife of Jupiter.

17. Aine

Coming from Irish roots, Aine means "Radiance." The name Aine also belonged to the Irish Celtic goddess of wealth and summer.

18. Cyra

originating from the Persian roots, Cyra means "Sun" or "Throne" or "Lord."

19. Esther

Esther is a Persian name, derived from the Old Persian word Stara, and translates to "Star."

20. Ayla

A name with diversified meanings, Ayla translates to "Halo," "Moonlight," "With the moon" and even "Oaktree."

21. Estella

Derived from the name Stella, this Latin name means "Star."

22. Astrid

The old Scandinavian name Astrid translates to "Divinely beautiful." Astrid also refers to "Starlike in radiance," and is said to have derived from the Greek word Astron.

23. Diana

Deriving from the Latin word Divus, Diana means "Divine." This name also belonged to the moon's Roman goddess, making it a perfect celestial name.

24. Indu

Indu is a Hindu name of Sanskrit origin, that translates to "Moon."

100+ Celestial And Astrology Baby Names With Meanings (7)

25. Zora

A name of Slavic, Arabic, and African origins, Zora refers to "Light" and "Dawn."

26. Danica

Danica is a name arising from the Slavic mythology. The name means "Morning star" or "Venus," and was thought to be Sun's younger sister.

27. Maristela

Derived from the combination of Mary and Estela, Maristela translates to "Star of the Sea" in Spanish.

28. Selena

This celestial name is derived from the word Selas, meaning Bright, and translates to "The moon." The name also seems to be related to the name Selene, which is the name of the Greek goddess of the Moon.

29. Talia

Talia is made from the combination of words, Tal meaning "Dew" and Yahew meaning "God." Hence, this cute astrological name translates as "Dew of God" or "Blessing sent from the skies."

30. Mahina

Mahina is a feminine name, belonging to the Goddess of the Moon in Hawaiian Mythology. Hailing from Hawaiian origin, this name means "Moon" or "Moonlight."

31. Sky

The name sky stems from the old Norse word ský which means "Cloud." In English Sky refers to the "Atmosphere seen from Earth."

32. Badru

Arabic name Badru means "Full Moon."

100+ Celestial And Astrology Baby Names With Meanings (8)

33. Ariel

The name belongs to the Hebrew roots, and means "Lion of God." Ariel also is the name of one of Uranus's moons.

34. Bendis

The name Bendis originated from Ancient Greek and belonged to an ancient Thracian goddess of the moon and hunting.

35. Dawn

The old English name Dawn refers to the "First appearance of light" or "Daybreak."

36. Cassiopeia

This name is derived from the constellation in the Northern Sky. In Greek, the name Cassiopeia translates to "She who chooses to excel."

37. Celia

Celia is a name originating from the Latin roots, and translates as "Heavenly."

38. Tara

Tara is a name of Sanskrit origin, that translates to "Star." This name evokes "light," making it a perfect celestial name.

39. Flora

Flora means "Flower" in Latin, and the name belongs to the fertility goddess of flowers and springtime in Ancient Rome. Flora is also the name of an asteroid that orbits the sun.

40. Steorra

Steorra is an Old English word, meaning "Star," "Evenstar" or "Evening Star".

Celestial and Astrological Boy Name

100+ Celestial And Astrology Baby Names With Meanings (9)

If you are looking for a starry name for your little rockstar, here we have rounded up some cute celestial and astrological names just for you!

41. Astro

Primarily a masculine name of Greek origin, Astro means "Of the Stars."

42. Helios

Helios is a name belonging to the young Greek sun god, and translates to "Sun."

43. Elio

Italian, Spanish, and Latin originated name Elio is said to be derived from the name Aelius which means "The sun."

44. Luke

Luke is primarily a masculine celestial name with Latin and Greek roots, that means "Bright one," "Bringer of light" and "Light of the sacred flame."

45. Aibek

Derived from the composition of two Turkish words, Ay means "moon" and Beg means "chieftain" or "master." Hence, the meaning of Aibek is "Master/Chieftain of the moon."

46. Arche

Arche is a name of Greek origin, meaning "Beginning" and also refers to the name of a moon orbiting Jupiter.

47. Cosmo

Belonging to the Greek roots, Cosmo means "Order," "Organization" and "Beauty." Astrologically, Cosmos is a synonym of the Universe.

48. Aries

Aries refers to the Roman God of war, hence the meaning of the name is "Ram." Aries also is a zodiac sign, making it a cute astrological name for babies.

100+ Celestial And Astrology Baby Names With Meanings (10)

49. Sol

Sol is a name of Spanish origin, meaning "Sun."

50. Ilkay

Ilkay is a Turkish name that is composed by combining Ilk, meaning "First" and Ay meaning "Moon". The name Ilkay, therefore, refers to the "First Moon."


Latin origin name Marcus means "Dedicated to Mars," Mars was known as the Roman God of Fertility.

52. Altair

Arabic origin name, Altair refers to "Falcon." The brightest star in the Aquila constellation is called Altair, hence is a cute celestial name.

53. Steren

The Cornish word Steren means "Star."

54. Orion

Hailing from the Greek roots, Orion means "Rising in the Sky" and "Dawning."

55. Mayank

This Hindu name Mayank translates as "Shining Moon."

56. Samson

Samson is procured from the Hebrew word "Shemesh," meaning "Sun" or "Sun child."

100+ Celestial And Astrology Baby Names With Meanings (11)


Turkish name Koray means "Ember colored Moon." The name is a mixture of Kor, meaning "Ember," and Ay meaning "Moon."

58. Cielo

Originating from Italian roots, Cielo means "Sky."

59. Hercules

A constellation in the northern sky, Hercules refers to the "Glory of Hera" and belongs to Greek origin.

60. Blaze

Blaze is a name belonging to Latin origin, meaning "Fire" or "Flame."

61. Aten

The name of Egyptian origin, Aten means "Sun disk," and also refers to the solar disk.

62. Titan

Arising from the Greek roots, Titan means "Defender." Titan also refers to the largest moon of Saturn and is a perfect celestial name.

63. Cyrus

The lively moniker Cyrus belongs to Persian origin, and translates to "Sun."

64. Ravi

This charming name belongs to the Sanskrit language and refers to the "Sun."

65. Evren

Evren is a Turkish word referring to the "Universe" or "Cosmos" and is an ideal name for your little son.

Unisex Celestial Names

100+ Celestial And Astrology Baby Names With Meanings (12)

Some unisex celestial and astrological names for the light of your life are listed below.

66. Phoenix

Phoenix emerges from the Greek word Phoinix, meaning "Dark red" or "Crimson," and is said to have a connection with purifying flames.

67. Galaxy

Rooted in the Greek word galaxías, Galaxy refers to the "Large system of stars."

68. Eclipse

Eclipse is a name belonging to English origin, and means "Casting of the shadow when one celestial body passes over another."

69. Jupiter

Stemming from the Latin roots, Jupiter is interpreted as "God of the sky" and also refers to the Roman god Jupiter.

70. Izar

The gender-neutral name Izar has Basque roots and translates as "Star," making it an ideal celestial name.

71. Halo

This exquisite name originates from Greek roots and refers to the "Divine aura" or "Disc of the sun or moon" and is perfect for babies with divine energy.

72. Vesper

Hailing from the Latin origin, Vesper refers to the "Evening Star" and "Evening Prayer" making it a cute celestial and astrological name.

73. Aether

This unique gender-neutral name is of Greek origin, and means "Brightness" or "Bright upper sky." Aether also has associations with Greek Mythology as he was the son of Erebus and Nyx.

100+ Celestial And Astrology Baby Names With Meanings (13)

74. Eden

Originating from the Hebrew roots, Eden refers to "Paradise" or "Delightful place," just like Heaven!

75. Heaven

Deriving from the Old English Word heofon, meaning "Sky" or "Home of God." The name refers to a "Place of eternal happiness."

76. Cygnus

Latin origin name Cygnus means "The swan," and also refers to a distinguished constellation, "Swan Constellation" in the Northern Sky.

77. Infinity

Primarily a name of American origin, Infinity means "Never Ending" or "Endless."

78. Zenith

This graceful English name translates as "The point in the sky or celestial sphere directly above an observer" or "The very top."

79. Seren

Hailing from Welsh origin, this gender-neutral celestial name refers to "Star."

80. Neptune

Neptune derives from the Latin word Neptunus, meaning "Roman god of the sea" or "God of water." The blueish planet Neptune was in fact named after the Roman god of the sea.

Names based on Zodiacs

100+ Celestial And Astrology Baby Names With Meanings (14)

If you are fascinated by astrology and want some good names based on the zodiac sign of your baby, look no further. We have gathered a few names based on Astrological signs and tried to make your name selection process hassle-free.

81. Soleil

This lovely name is of French origin, and translates as "Sun." The meaning of this name makes it ideal for a "Fire Signs" baby.

82. Samson

In Hebrew, Samson means "Like the sun," hence is an ideal name for babies with "Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius; Fire sign" zodiacs.

83. Gaia

Gaia refers to the Greek goddess of Earth and is a perfect name for babies with the "Earth signs; Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn" babies.

84. Aria

Aria in Italian means "Air," and is a classic name for someone having "Air sign; Gemini, Libra, Aquarius."

85. Selene

The name, Selene belongs to the Greek goddess of the Moon and is an ideal astrological name for "Water signs" ie;Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.

86. Leo

Leo is a "Fire sign," and means Lion in Latin. Leo's are ruled by the "Sun."

87. Morgan

Morgan is a name of Welsh origin, that translates to "White sea dweller" or "Circling sea," and is perfect for the Water sign.

88. Lucia

The name Lucia means "Light," and is associated with "Fire signs."

89. Saturn

Saturn is the ruling planet of the "Capricorn" babies.

90. Venus

Venus is a planet that rules the "Air sign; Libra."

Other Celestial and Astrological Names

100+ Celestial And Astrology Baby Names With Meanings (15)

If you are looking for some more celestial and astrological names, here we have some for you.

91. Ascella

Ascella is a feminine name, referring to the armpit. However, it is also the name of the third brightest star in the constellation Sagittarius.

92. Cressida

Cressida is one of the names of Uranus's moon, and also has connections to Greek mythology and translates to "Gold."

93. Halley

The Scandinavian and Old Norse originated name Halley means "Ruler" or "Commander," and is a famous comet known as "Halley's Comet."

94. Amalthea

Amalthea is a name of Greek origin derived from Malthasso, which means "To Soothe" or "Soften." It also refers to one of Jupiter's moons, hence making it a sweet celestial name.

95. Miranda

Miranda is derived from a Latin verb, and translates to "Worthy of admiration" and "To be wondered at." This name also refers to the smallest and innermost of Uranus's five round satellites and is a unique astrological name.

96. Jericho

Jericho has its roots in the Arabic region, and translates as "City of Moon."

97. Francisco

Francisco is the innermost irregular satellite of Uranus, and also is a baby name of Spanish and Portuguese origin meaning "Free Man."

98. Carina

Originating from Brazil and Italy, Carina means "Dear" or "Pure," and also is a constellation's name.

99. August

August is not only a month belonging to Leo and Virgo but also a name of Latin origin, and refers to "Great" or "To increase."

100. Nunki

Nunki refers to a star in the constellation Sagittarius.

101. Ruby

Ruby refers to the "Precious red stone," which also happens to be the birthstone of July.

102. May

The name May was derived from Maia, the name of the Roman earth goddess, and is the fifth month in the calendar. This name is a considerable name for Taurus babies.

103. June

This Gender-neutral name is of Latin origin, meaning "Young." This is the perfect pick if you have a Gemini at home.

104. Autumn

This feminine name is of Latin origin and refers to the Fall season. Autumn is also the birth season for Libras and is a cute astrological moniker.

105. Winter

Winter is the season of Capricorn babies and is an ideal astrological name for someone born in winter.

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100+ Celestial And Astrology Baby Names With Meanings (2024)


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The nakshatra will only give you a syllable or sound to start your baby's name with. You can then choose any name that starts with that sound. Many parents, consult their baby's nakshatra to get this lucky syllable, and then look to numerology to find a name that brings luck and works with the family surname.

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Top 5 Celestial Names And Meanings For Boys

Atlas — “bearer of the heavens” Leo — “lion” Orion — “boundary, limit” Phoenix — “dark red”

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Sirius. Here's the name of the brightest star in the night sky. This Latin name for the star means “burning.” Harry Potter fans will think of the character Sirius Black.

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Baby girl names inspired by the solar system
LunaLatin for moon
Lyrasmall constellation, principal star Vega
Maiaa blue-giant star in the Taurus constellation
Mirandasmallest of the major moons of Uranus
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Childbirth is determined from 5th house, 5th lord, Jupiter the Significator or karaka of 5th house and D-7 chart called Saptamansha. The strength, dignity, position, Benefic or Malefic influnces on 5th house, 5th lord and Jupiter are examined thoroughly before pronouncing any result.

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Your sun sign is determined by your date of birth and represents your core personality, sense of self, basic preferences, romantic compatibility, and ways in which you move through the world. This astrological placement sheds light on your innate gifts, as well as your hard-to-see blind spots.

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Magnetars, the most powerful stars in the universe, continue to captivate astronomers and space enthusiasts alike. With their mind-boggling magnetic fields, unique characteristics, and potential impact on Earth, magnetars offer a fascinating window into the cosmos.

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Ophiuchus was one of the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd-century astronomer Ptolemy, and it remains one of the 88 modern constellations. An old alternative name for the constellation was Serpentarius (/ˌsɜːrpənˈtɛəriəs/). Visible at latitudes between +80° and −80°.

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Baby names that mean “miracle” in other languages
  • Milagro: Spanish.
  • Miracolo: Italian.
  • Mirakel: Norwegian.
  • Milagre: Portuguese.
  • Harika: Turkish.
  • Alazne: Basque.
  • Nasia/Nessa: Hebrew.
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A protostar is a very young star that is still gathering mass from its parent molecular cloud. It is the earliest phase in the process of stellar evolution. For a low-mass star (i.e. that of the Sun or lower), it lasts about 500,000 years.

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Meira: Meaning “bringer of light”. Nell: Meaning “shining light”. Nora: From both its French and Arabic roots, Nora means “light”. From its Latin roots, it means “honor”.

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Hoshiko. A popular Japanese name, Hoshiko means “star child.”

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Sirius. This Latin name refers to the brightest star visible from earth.

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Girl names meaning "moonlight"
  • Iyla.
  • Suhaila.
  • Kairavi.
  • Mahum.
  • Jyothsna.
  • Zoufishan.
  • Chandrajyoti.
  • Gauraprabha.

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Using this technique, it's easy to find the root number associated with names, which numerologists refer to as your Destiny Number. To find your Destiny Number, calculate the root number of your full name (first, middle, last) by reducing each name to a single digit, and adding up the total.

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Choosing a lucky name for your child in the context of numerology involves considering the numerical value associated with each letter of the name. According to numerology, each letter corresponds to a specific number, and the sum of these numbers can provide insights into the individual's characteristics and destiny.

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Discovering your baby's numerological number

First off, jot down your baby's complete birth date, covering the day, month, and year. Next, break down each part into single digits. For instance, if your baby was born on April 9, 2022, it would look like this: 4 (month) + 9 (day) + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 (year) = 19.


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